Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just When I Think I'm Out...

...I get a pleasantly surprising email!

This is a good thing: my agent and I parted on good terms, and technically still have a few days left in our formal agreement. But naturally, anything that was undertaken before we agreed to go our separate ways is still covered by our previous arrangement. So guess what? Someone he queried quite awhile ago has expressed interest in seeing the entire MS. Yay, me. It would be amazing if this works out after all--lord knows I'd rather be writing my new book than finding another agent.


Timothy Carter said...

Congratulations! That's good news, if I ever heard any. I'll keep checking back to find out what happens next!

Bill Cokas said...

Robert said let's give it a month and see what happens. Irony of ironies!

Timothy Carter said...

Yo, Bill. It's been three months, man. Post something, already!

Don't make me come over there.